Wednesday, May 6, 2020
`` Still Separate, Still Unequal `` By David Matthews Essay
The battle to achieve a sense of fairness and equality has been relevant amongst humans since the beginning of time. Advocates who effortlessly argue the need for an equal socioeconomic system recognize that little to no change has been made throughout time. Philosopher John Rawls’s principles of fairness and equality state that everyone has a right to basic liberties and the greatest social and economic privileges are granted only if the greatest social and economic benefits are granted to the most disadvantaged people. The articles, â€Å"Still Separate, Still Unequal†by Jonathan Kozol, â€Å"Rethinking Affirmative Action†by David Leonhardt, and Progress Made, but Science Still a Man s World: News by David Matthews, all illustrate how John Rawls’s principles are still not being realized today to their fullest extent. In Jonathan Kozol’s article, he demonstrates how the educational system in America is still racially divided despite the end of se gregation in the 1900s. In David Leonhardt’s article, he conveys the notion that although people have equal rights there still exists a gap in fairness. In David Matthews’s article, he focuses on the fact that women are still overruled by men in the workplace despite previous strong efforts of gender equality in the United States. Based on the article â€Å"Still Separate, Still Unequal†by Jonathan Kozol, it is clear that John Rawls’s principles are not being realized in today s society due to a still-segregated educational system. KozolShow MoreRelatedThe Role of the Death Penalty on Preventing Future Crime Essay8133 Words  | 33 Pagestherefore is irreversible. If we are to take a step so drastic, we must be careful that we apply it rationally and without error. The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes this requirement. It demands special trial procedures such as a two-stage trial that separates questions of guilt from questions of penalty. 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