Thursday, May 21, 2020
Alcohol Essay - 1434 Words
1. What is alcoholism? 2. How do people become alcoholics? 3. What are the effects of alcoholism, on both the alcoholic and their family? 4. How do you diagnose alcoholism? 5. Is there a cure for alcoholics? 6. What is the treatment? What is Alcoholism? Alcoholism can be defined as the dependency on alcohol; addiction to alcohol. It is a chronic disease, this disease called alcoholism is progressive and potentially fatal. â€Å" In 1966 the American Medical Association (AMA) declared Alcoholism a disease, but it is still judged morally by society†said Father Martin. There are different types of alcoholics, the first type of alcoholic is the everyday drinker. These alcoholics drink on a daily basis with a high dependency on alcohol. A†¦show more content†¦Alcoholism causes excessive absences at work. Which causes loss of money for both the employee and the employer. Up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of industrial injuries can be linked to alcohol consumption and alcoholism. Alcohol also impairs productivity at work. Alcohol seriously effects one out of every ten Americans. It is the cause of more deaths, violence, family disruption and job absenteeism than any other substance. How do you diagnose alcoholism? Alcoholism is a tough disease for doctors to diagnose, due to the fact that any physical effects of alcoholism can be viewed as another medical problem. The alcoholic is in denial and is not going to tell the doctor how much they drink, unless the doctor asks, but most doctors don’t. You can diagnose yourself by answering some of the following questions: 1. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of drinking? 2. Is alcohol making your life unhappy? 3. Has drinking alcohol ever been behind your losing a job? 4. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking? 5. Has your ambition decreased since drinking? 6. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty sleeping? 7. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking? 8. Do yo u crave a drink at a definite time daily? 9. Do you want a drink the next morning? 10. Have you ever had a complete or partial loss of memory as a result of drinking? 11. Is drinking affecting your reputation? 12. Does drinking make you careless of yourShow MoreRelatedAlcohol : Alcohol And Alcohol Essay836 Words  | 4 Pagestopic for class is alcohol. Alcohol is defined as â€Å"Chemically, a compound characterized by the presence of a hydroxyl group; in common usage, a beverage made from fermented fruits, vegetables, or grains and containing ethanol.†(From the book pg GL-1) Ethanol is defined as â€Å"A specific alcohol compound (C2H5OH) formed from the fermentation of dietary carbohydrates and used in a variety of alcoholic beverages.†(From the book pg GL-4) Definition of proof is â€Å"A measure of the alcohol content of a liquid;Read MoreAlcohol And Its Effects On Alcohol1403 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract Alcohol has long been a subject of controversy. 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Alcohol not only plays a role in religion in the present, it also plays a role in the past. Alcohol has been made with honey and juice for thousands of years. There was a type of alcohol that was made in early China around 7000 B.C. In India, there was alcohol called sura and this was used between 2000 and 3000 B.C. and this beverage was made from condensed rice. Alcohol could also be made fromRead MoreAlcohol Articles On Alcohol And Alcohol848 Words  | 4 Pages Alcohol articles (CT-1) above alcohol article said about how alcohol made up of and it’s effect. How people become addict with it. Why people using alcohol and how it affects our community. (CT-2) In my opinion I believe the authors of the article were saying that due to the misuse of alcohol teenagers, high school student and college students were dying a lots due to car accident. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
`` Still Separate, Still Unequal `` By David Matthews Essay
The battle to achieve a sense of fairness and equality has been relevant amongst humans since the beginning of time. Advocates who effortlessly argue the need for an equal socioeconomic system recognize that little to no change has been made throughout time. Philosopher John Rawls’s principles of fairness and equality state that everyone has a right to basic liberties and the greatest social and economic privileges are granted only if the greatest social and economic benefits are granted to the most disadvantaged people. The articles, â€Å"Still Separate, Still Unequal†by Jonathan Kozol, â€Å"Rethinking Affirmative Action†by David Leonhardt, and Progress Made, but Science Still a Man s World: News by David Matthews, all illustrate how John Rawls’s principles are still not being realized today to their fullest extent. In Jonathan Kozol’s article, he demonstrates how the educational system in America is still racially divided despite the end of se gregation in the 1900s. In David Leonhardt’s article, he conveys the notion that although people have equal rights there still exists a gap in fairness. In David Matthews’s article, he focuses on the fact that women are still overruled by men in the workplace despite previous strong efforts of gender equality in the United States. Based on the article â€Å"Still Separate, Still Unequal†by Jonathan Kozol, it is clear that John Rawls’s principles are not being realized in today s society due to a still-segregated educational system. KozolShow MoreRelatedThe Role of the Death Penalty on Preventing Future Crime Essay8133 Words  | 33 Pagestherefore is irreversible. If we are to take a step so drastic, we must be careful that we apply it rationally and without error. The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes this requirement. It demands special trial procedures such as a two-stage trial that separates questions of guilt from questions of penalty. 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Analysis on America’s Ice Age video Free Essays
â€Å"America’s Ice Age†video taught me a lot of things I would not even begin to think about. I would never think that ice helped shape the continents, let alone the world. It also taught me that many of our Earth’s past history Is found In deferent forms of core taken from the Earth over years and years. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis on America’s Ice Age video or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am simply amused by how these clients and geologist examine rocks, landscape, cores, Ice, air pockets Inside of cores, and temperatures to peel back the layers of our past history here on Earth. When watching the last video, â€Å"Chasing Ice,†I got to see more of an explore side of Ice. With watching â€Å"America’s Ice Age†I get to see more of the scientific side of things. How scientist can look at Ice with mysterious marks and see evidence of past floods, or how they can look at mysterious markings In rocks and see the movement and deletion of a past iceberg Is Incredible. It makes you think what every day ordinary people like myself, overlook. I will say since I have started this class I look at the trees, the sky, and landscape of my own community differently. I constantly find myself thinking of the unbelievable way our world was formed. I might not completely and Lully understand it all yet, but it is definitely pulling my mind and thoughts in a different direction. It is almost unbelievable that ice had more impact on our Earth’s shape and the shape of our continents more than anything. But after watching this video, it all starts to make sense. The overbearing power of the icebergs shifting across the world, moving rocks, and the melting that at some point covered land, separating continents, and eventually shaping our world was something I would never think to of happened. Some of these icebergs and glaciers that distorted the shape of the Earth ere calculated to weigh almost 68,000 trillion ton. Just imagine how heavy and powerful that is. This ice then making up our oceans, lakes, and rivers is all new information to me, and astonishing new information to say the least. So far, from all the video, reading, and class discussions I am beginning to feel more and more confident when talking about science and geology. My husband Is the smartest and most knowledgeable person I have ever meet. He seriously knows everything,(not that I would ever admit that to him) but to be able to tell him facts on owe our Earths was made and formed, Information that he had never known, just brings a whole new confident person out of me. Like Eve said In previous reflection papers, I have never been able to grasp science and geology but this class Is gang me hope that I can finally understand the power of our Earth. Analysis on America’s Ice Age video By Sedation It also taught me that many of our Earth’s past history is found in different forms of scientist and geologist examine rocks, landscape, cores, ice, air pockets inside of ice. With watching â€Å"America’s Ice Age†I get to see more of the scientific side of things. How scientist can look at ice with mysterious marks and see evidence of past floods, or how they can look at mysterious markings in rocks and see the movement and direction of a past iceberg is incredible. It makes you think what every day ordinary more and more confident when talking about science and geology. My husband is the how our Earths was made and formed, information that he had never known, Just brings a whole new confident person out of me. Like Eve said in previous reflection papers, I have never been able to grasp science and geology but this class is giving How to cite Analysis on America’s Ice Age video, Papers
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