Friday, January 24, 2020
Charlie Chaplin Essays -- Charlie Chaplin Essay
Sir Charles Chaplin’s speech from the 1940 motion picture called The Great Dictator was extremely hard-hitting and inspirational. It did very well to get the message across. His speech was a cry for help on behalf of many civilians, demanding a much needed change in the world back in the 1940s. He briefly touched on the intensity of the problem and what it could become in the future if no action would be taken. In doing so, he maintained respect with the audience; rather than talking down to them, he put himself onto their level without being too familiar. Very boldly, Chaplin effectively expressed to the people that it is our responsibility as humans to make the world a better place because its fate is determined by our influence. Right off the bat, Chaplin conveys his humility. In his speech, he makes it clear that he was not trying to be a dictator, such as Hitler. Rather, he wanted to show that he was just like them, a plain man who desired change in the world. Through his speech, it is apparent that Chaplin is the mediator, but not in a high place. His first two words, quietly uttered, are, â€Å"I’m sorry,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Great Dictator 1940). As opposed to a president trying to win an election, saying these two words at the very beginning of a speech immediately bring Chaplin to the people’s level, even though he is the speaker and the demander of peace. I found this very effective because it is refreshing for me to see humility in such a powerful speech. It does not show that he wants to be worshipped. These two words immediately give him respect because it shows remorse, and in turn, the people will be more open to his words. It comforted me to see that he was not arrogant. He later goes on to say, â€Å"I s... powerful because it encourages the audience to really see the problem, and without action taken by each individual, the problem will remain. Chaplin’s strategies paired with his powerful passionate voice helped him to successfully win the hearts of many and get through to his targeted audience. Works Cited>.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Martha Stewart: Not Such a Good Thing Essay
1. What issues did Martha Stewart, Bacanovic, and Faneuil miss in making their decisions about selling the ImClone stock in their conduct following the sales? Apply the models and make a list of suggested questions they could have asked that might have affected their decisions. I do not feel any of them were thinking about any consequences! Why was this small amount of money so important to them, especially Ms. Stewart, who was a multi- billionaire at the time? It is clear that they weren’t concerned at all about outcome and just went ahead with their scheme that they truly thought they could pull off without getting caught. 2. Was selling the shares illegal? If selling the shares was not illegal, was it unethical? Selling shares are not illegal; it’s all part of the stock market. However, when you have advanced knowledge like this case, it is border-line and extremely unethical. She was thinking only of herself and the profits she’d make, and not considering the company and other stockholders at all. I would go as far as calling it heartless and greedy! 3. What do we learn about long-term consequences from Ms. Stewart’s conduct and case? Having too much money can turn a person evil. Martha was a multi-billionaire, and why she cared about a couple hundred thousand is crazy. Not only did she serve jail time, lose respect and money, her stock has decreased The public now sees that she is not trustworthy, because she admitted to obstruction of justice and making false statements to federal investigators.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Sustainability Of Apple Inc - 1419 Words
Sustainability of Apple Inc. Introduction Sustainability should mirror the culture of the organization, matching the organizations strategic approach to doing business. Organizations are now developing sustainability strategies and embedding them in the organizations culture. The organization understands that sustainability will play a major role in their future success/failure. Corporate Sustainability can be summed up using the Triple Bottom Line approach. The Triple bottom line theory is Financial, Social, and Environmental effects of a company’s policies and actions that determine its viability as a sustainable organization. Social Impact: Organizations must consider human rights, justice, security/peace, gender equality and†¦show more content†¦Government agencies are now introducing legislation to counteract the effects of climate change and minimize the irreparable damage. Manufacturers and organizations are under increased pressure to follow new legislation. Apple should adapt to the new legislation, which effects its organization, such as the WII directive in Ireland, and create a more sustainable strategy for conducting business (Krosinsky, 2013). Apple Inc. is undertaking a number of strategies and procedures to address sustainability. In relation to society, Apple has adapted the following procedures in relation to sustainability. Apple suppliers have to accept Apples supplier Code of Conduct (Apple Inc, 2013). This Code of Conduct contains rules and regulations in relation to treatment of employees, fair and safe workplace practices and also a number of environmental restrictions that the supplier organization must follow. Apple conducts onsite audits to ensure the Code of Conduct is not being violated in any way. Apple assists and approves corrective action plans where necessary, verify and monitor an implementation, and assist in any means possible when maintaining Code of Conduct standards (Apple Inc, 2013). 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