Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1300 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: The Fall of The House of Usher Essay Did you like this example? In the short story, The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe, diction, symbolism, narration, and foreshadowing is extensively used to create an air of dread and suspense. Poes use of diction along with symbolism contributes to establishing a mood of somberness, and impending despair through dread. By using symbolic comparison between the Ushers and their manor, the storys suspense builds as the queer characteristics of the Ushers manor are depicted. Poes advanced literary tactics are evident in the way he is able to achieve a story of both dread and horror. In The Fall of the House of Usher, Poes Gothic, and abhorrent wording allows him to establish a dreadful mood. Poes style of writing along with his foreshadowing vernacular is significant in creating a suspenseful Gothic era story. At the beginning of the short story, Poe describes the House of Usher, I looked upon the scene before me upon the mere manor, and the simple landscape features of the domain upon the bleak walls upon the vacant eye-like windows upon a few rank sedges and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees (Poe). His choice of words strongly emphasizes a mood of darkness and suspense as he builds on the horrific aspects of his story. At first glimpse, the manor itself is surrounded by the feeling of insufferable gloom, There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart, an unredeemed dreariness of thought (Poe). The atmosphere that Poe describes in the statement above establishes a cold, bone chilling mood. Poe uses words such as insufferable gloom along with other abhorrent words to stress a mood of horror and unease in the manor. Furthermore, the manor evokes suspense as it strikes the reader with curiosity as to why the building presents itself in such a dreadful and uneasy manner. Poe describes the manor with further detail emphasizing its ghastly traits: Dark draperies hung upon the walls. The general furniture was profuse, comfortless, antique, and tattered. Many books and musical instruments lay scattered about, but failed to give any vitality to the scene (Poe). Poe description of the manor leads it to be a depressant in the story. It sets up a somber mood that slowly leads more into dread and horror as the work goes on. The Ushers manor is a dark and foreboding place and Poe does well in setting up the scene of his work. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rhetorical Analysis of The Fall of the House of Usher" essay for you Create order Poe also uses symbolism to represent the connection between the manor and the Usher family. The description of the manor itself has an inseparable resemblance to that of Roderick and Madelyn Usher. Once the narrator arrives at the Ushers manor, Poe offers an in-depth description of the manors current physical state. The discoloration of age had been great. Minute fungi overspread the whole exterior, hanging in fine tangled web-work from the eves (Poe), Poe is able to manifest an air of suspense by comparing the state of the Ushers manor to that of Roderick Usher himself. Roderick Usher was known by the narrator in his childhood, and his childhood memories of him are of a noble man. Now his friend has been reduced to a pallid description The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eve, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell a bout the face, I could not, even with effort, connect its Arabesque expression with any idea of simple humanity (Poe). This description is in direct comparison with the Ushers own manor and represents how he has fallen along with it. Rodericks sister Madelyn Usher, is more described through her malady. The disease of the lady Madeline had long baffled the skill of her physicians. A settled apathy, a gradual wasting away of the person, and frequent although transient affections of a partially cataleptical character, were the unusual diagnosis. (Poe). While Roderick does not have this malady himself, he describes himself and being afflicted with a constitutional and a family evil, and one for which he despaired to find a remedy a mere nervous affection, he immediately added, which would undoubtedly soon pass off. (Poe). Though Roderick Usher would later admit that his sisters ondition is inpart affecting him, one must think if this malady is Ushers curse in physical form. He also desc ribed Roderick Usher himself as enchained by certain superstitious impressions in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted and along with the dreariness of the manor, serves to set up greater suspense in the work. Poes use of foreshadowing serves to build the suspense and horror in the story. The earliest of which, clever readers will see it as the foreshadowing of the end Perhaps the eye of a scrutinizing observer might have discovered a barely perceptible fissure, which, extending from the roof of the building in front, made its way down the wall in a zigzag direction, until it became lost in the sullen waters of the tarn. (Poe). By foreshadowing the end in the beginning, Poe sets up an air of dread and suspense for his story. Because it is brought up so early, the reader is left wondering what impact this will have on the story, and it remains in the back of their thoughts. Of course, Roderick Usher himself foreshadowed his own demise I shall perish, said he, I must perish in this deplorable folly. Thus, thus, and not otherwise, shall I be lost. I dread the events of the future, not in themselves, but in their results. I shudder at the thought of any, even the most trivial, incident, which may operate upon this intolerable agitation of soul. I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect in terror. In this unnerved-in this pitiable condition I feel that the period will sooner or later arrive when I must abandon life and reason together, in some struggle with the grim phantasm, FEAR. (Poe). With previous foreshadowing laid out in the story, Roderick Usher himself saying that his end is upon him, puts the full gravity of suspense on the reader. Of course, the narrator was asked to come here to belay the feelings of dread that Roderick Usher was feeling and so he does his best too. Yet still Poes foreshadowing rings in the background, and moves ever closer to the foreground. The narration of the story is also important in the overall work. The story is told through the eyes of a narrator who has known Roderick Usher since their childhood. Since the story is being told from a narrators perspective, we are allowed access to a far more intimate look at the narrators perspective of the events unfolding around him. This serves to greatly emphasize the abhorrent circumstances and bleak and oppressive scene of the House of Usher. The narrator makes multiple attempts to try and bring objectivity to his and Roderick Ushers fears and tell an objective account of whats happening. This merely serves to undermine himself and Usher when its clear that he cannot be trusted upon his word, which serves immensely to expand the dread and horror that comes latter in the work. In the end of The Fall of the House of Usher all of Poes techniques from diction to symbolism, narration, and foreshadowing come head. All serve their purpose in building up to the climactic and terrible ending that the narrator witnesses with disbelieving eyes as he flees in abject terror. Through proper use of these many techniques, Poe establishes an emotionally suspenseful story that masterfully sets itself up for its horrifying end. Citations Poe A, Edgar. The Fall of the House of Usher (1839). 27 June 2005. 26 September 2018
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Marco Ophthalmic Swot Analysis - 1467 Words
Marco Ophthalmic, Inc. is a private organization in Jacksonville, FL that provides both products and services for the Eye Care Professional (ECP). The products available for the ECP include diagnostic tools and equipment required to run a successful vision care practice. Professional growth and enhancement provided by the organization for the ECP include product training and education. For 50 years, the organization continues to grow and maintains market share. Their success can be attributed to the quality of products and the value-added services. As important as the products and services you offer your customers, a successful business should have a similar strategy for team members. Team members play a vital role in an organization,†¦show more content†¦L., 2012). Marcos unique organizational structure of direct sales team members and distributors requires the business to have a well thought out training plan for both internal and external, distributor team members. All t eam members, including distributors are trained on the products, as well as on the company’s core values. Training on the organizational core values is particularly important when you are managing distributors. Why? Distributors must have a reason to believe in the business and business objectives. Training distributors and sharing your organizational values supports the distributor alignment to the business. This is crucial for the success of the distributor in selling your products. The second strength mentioned during our interview was, team member empowerment. Empowerment is the authority given to an individual, group or team to make decisions. The benefits of empowerment include self-efficacy, skill development, leadership development, job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Namasivayam, Guchait and Lei, 2014). At Marco, team members are encouraged to make strategic decisions that will enhance the customer experience and ultimately support the growth of the business. As it relates to goal-setting, team members are encouraged to set individual goals. After 50 years in the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Should Extreme Sports Be Banned as They Put People’s Lives at Risk Free Essays
Extreme sports have become popular in the last two decades. For may people practising them is the only way of living. For them the adrenaline is the most important thing in their lives and that’s why they must try even more and more dangerous things. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Extreme Sports Be Banned as They Put People’s Lives at Risk? or any similar topic only for you Order Now But, of course, that’s not the only reason. Extreme sports are trendy and many people practise them just because of that fact. It’s true, that extreme sports, like bungee jumping, canyoning, rafting, ice climbing, snowboarding, surfing, parachute jumping, paragliding or mountaineering always bring a risk. Even if you are very good sportsman you must know that only one, small mistake can be very dangerous and can cause your death. Alhought many people die every year making extreme sports, the number of â€Å"courageous†is higher and higher. But its question of choice what are we doing in ours lives. For many people extreme sports are the only way of living. They have to feel adrenaline, they want to break their own records, they want to feel free. They usually say: â€Å"there is a risk, there is a fun†, but they know that they do it at one’s peril. Extreme sports often are an escape from reality, from stress and from monotony. You don’t have to think about your problems. You just think about yourself, you can relax, and prove that you can do things which are admired by other people. There is even a special TV channel- â€Å"Extreme Sports†, where everyone can watch amazing tricks, and crazy people who make that extreme sports are more and more popular in the world. But it’s impossible to write what do the people feel during making extreme sports. You must try yourself to know how huge survival it is. And if you do it one time, it’s very possible that you will do it often. But the question is if â€Å"should extreme sports be banned as they put people’s lives at risk? †And my answer is â€Å"definitely not†. As I said, It’s question of our choices. If you want to fell more adrenaline than extreme sports are very good way. And even if the extreme sports were banned, people would do it still. How to cite Should Extreme Sports Be Banned as They Put People’s Lives at Risk?, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Importance of Leadership in an Organization-Sample for Students
Question: Identify a person who you consider to be a successful or effective leader. This could be someone you work with or for (for example: business, professional, sport, volunteer work, religious organisations etc.) or anyone who through some association you judge to be a good leader. It needs to be someone you can observe in person or from your past experience, not a public figure or someone you have read about. Answer: Introduction: The company which has been chosen in this particular assignment is Schneider Electric. The name of the leader that is the supervisor chosen is Arbie Hassan. A questionnaire has been formulated in order to interview the leader and to understand the nature of his leadership and his particular style. The questionnaire has a total of eight questions which aim to understand the different aspects of a persons leadership. The questions aim to understand the contribution of the leader to the team and to the company as a whole. It also helps in understanding what the leader does to motivate his team. Analysis: Importance of leadership in an organisation: The concept of leadership is the ability and also the willingness to take the ownership of the organisation which is combined with the intrinsic drive to perform what is best for the specific organisation. For the concept of leadership to be effective to any particular organisation it needs to be ensured that it is built on a solid foundation and consists if a clear mission and also a vision for the future, a specific strategy and also a particular culture which is conducive to the concept of success (Yukl 2013). The necessity for leaders to understand these concepts are essential for the effectiveness as well as the personal growth. In case the leaders help their team members work effectively the organisational goals can be properly achieved. The ability of the leaders to manage their team ensures that their team performs to the best of their ability (Crevani, Lindgren and Packendorff 2010). Leadership frames of reference: There are four frames of reference for a leader. These include those of structural, human, political and symbolic. The frames of reference in connection to leadership are crucial to determine how the situations are defined and what actions are taken. These frames of reference determine how the situations are defined and whatever actions are to be taken. The outlook of different leaders is different and so are their frames of reference. The leaders who follow the structural frame of reference give major amount of emphasis on the setting of goals. These leaders often give too much pressure on the goal establishment. Therefore it might lead to problems of the team members if they feel that their problems are not being understood by their leaders. The structural frame of reference focuses on the architecture of the organisation (Levay 2010). The human resource frame of reference is that where people are the most valuable. Leaders with a human resource frame of reference give the most value to the people who work under them and their team members. In this particular scenario if the leaders give importance to the people only, often it might happen that the goals of the organisation might be hampered in the process. The human resource frame focuses on the people and their relationships (Gardner et al. 2010). The leaders who have a political frame of reference, consider that the organisation might have several areas of ongoing or existing conflict which might be responsible for changes in the organisation. This frame of reference can prove to be toxic for the overall organisation as a whole and can deter the creativity of the organisation (Babcock-Roberson and Strickland 2010). The symbolic frame of reference is the system of shared meaning and value. This frame of reference allows the leaders to have their faith is the meaning shared by members infusing creativity, passion into their work as well as an overall positivity (Yukl and Mahsud 2010). Observation: From the interview which has been conducted with the supervisor of the organisation it has been found that he mostly holds the symbolic frame of reference with respect to leadership and gives a great amount of emphasis on the fact that there is shared interests and proper importance given to each member of the team. This does not imply that he allows his team members to neglect the organisational goals and become inefficient. It can be said that Arbie Hassan has great value for integrity and also the demonstration of honesty and trust in all the actions of the organisation. It has been seen from the interview that the values of integrity, customer focus and respect for the people find paramount importance to the organisation. From this it can be said that the leader is focussed towards the needs of the organisation. Hassan is of the opinion that an all-round focus is important for the success of the organisation. He is genuine as a leader as he gives due respect to people and focuses on the positives of each of the team members. It can also be said that leader did not in any way wrongly utilize his or her power. He tried to uplift the people as much as he could so that they got the zeal to perform their tasks better and much more enthusiasm. He was not afraid of challenges and did not deter from explaining them to the team. He also made sure that the team remained motivated at all times in order to perform whatever work was necessary effectively. It can also be stated that the leadership style of Hassan was to a certain extent situational as well as charismatic. Hassan can be considered to be situational because, based on the interview with him as well an overall verbal discussion, it can clearly be stated that, he was not strict to the point of being oblivious to the situation of the workers. He tried to be understanding towards the needs of the workers and help them whenever they needed it the most. He also had stated that on several occasions he sorted the work patterns for the people and tried to ensure that their work load would be a little less. Hassan as a leader was not even afraid of challenges. He stated that at the time of challenges he had to work a bit hard to persuade his subordinates that they might be afraid of taking up risks in their work. In case of the Schneider Electric, there were challenges faced when the electric utilities costs were to be reduced for ensuring that the level of operational excellence is to be maintained. The teams also had to balance the demands peaks and the low levels of intermittent production. Often it happens that the team members feel a bit frustrated as explained by the leader and therefore they need a little bit of motivation. Hassan is not someone to ignore the needs of his employees. Thus as a leader he is responsible as well as dependable. The success of Hassan as a team leader is adequately reflected in his popularity among his team. Everyone considers him to be dependable and noteworthy as a responsible person. It is the opinion of the team that Hassan is very capable as a team leader and as a friend. Hassan has been believed to be a friend, a philosopher and a proper leader who assists the team in moving forward specifically it times of need. This can be regarded to be the true spirit of a leader. The friendly attitude of Hassan was responsible for keeping the employees at ease. This outlook also helped the people become more and more concerned towards the vision of the organization. In difficult situations Hassan has been by the side of his team and has helped in their individual assessments, on the other hand he himself has made it a point to understand the point of view of each of his or her team members. Therefore it can be said that he has embodied the situational leadership style in this particular sense. Due to his friendly attitude and helpful nature as a leader, Hassan has received adequate help and support from his team members which has helped him in overcoming difficult situations. The regular meetings organised by the him, has also helped in making sure that the team has a proper commitment level and consideration towards their leader as well as their organisation. The regular meetings which have been organised by the Hassan as a leader have helped the team members understanding the proceedings of the organisation and their importance with respect to the organisation. They did not remain uninformed at any stage of the organisation. It can also be said that Hassan was responsible and understanding as a team leader and never failed to understand that his words and actions might have a severe impact on the team members. That he was considerate is evident from the fact that when a team member particularly performed well he tried to utilize it as a personal learning experience for his team members apart from congratulating the member, he motivated him to perform even better for his personal growth as well as the overall growth of the organisation. Hassan also ensured that the members of his team took examples from their own achievements to help them perform better in the times of stress. The difficulties of decision making are also inherent with the responsibilities of a leader. As a leader Hassan feels that the choice of a particular person who underperforms is extremely difficult. This shows that there is a sense of truthfulness and integrity in his decision making. In case of leaders who are not considerate, the decision of suggesting names of employees for attrition is not a major issue. This is something which Hassan has shown to be completely opposite. Hassan has not ever made wrong use of his power or influence. He tried to increase the output and effectiveness of his team at all possible stages. As a leader despite possessing a formal position and having a legitimate power to govern his employees, Hassan never misused his power which is the sign of a great leader. He also helped his team members attain their respective objectives. As a leader he was not coercive but only tried to push his team members to success. This helped his team as well as the overall benefit of each of his employees. With regard to the responses which Hassan received from his team members, it can be said that they complied to his decisions in majority of cases and they even agreed to his decisions on most occasions and this was because he was less of a leader and more of a friend to his team. With respect to the concept of resistance, it can be said that he did not face any sort of resistance from the members at any time because they complied with his decisions. A problem could be faced in case Hassan was an autocratic leader, but he was actually a situational leader who helped all his team members under any consequences. In view of the concept of commitment it can be said that the team members were extremely committed to the viewpoints of Hassan and adopted his viewpoint under all situations. Reflection: From the complete study of the information and the leadership style of Hassan, I can safely say that he was a proper leader in the true sense of the term. He fulfilled all his responsibilities to the best of his ability. As a team, Hassan headed one which were dependent and independent in both measures. The team members where independent when it came to taking their personal work decisions and were dependent when it came to relying on their leader for taking major decisions. In form of a leader, Hassan displayed confidence, control over suitable information, organisational centrality and also the capability of coping with uncertainty. It can be said that the control of valuable information pertaining to the company can cause the leader to be liable for such information. Hassan however, never misused any information which he had control over. Conclusion: Leadership is the most crucial aspect of any organisation and this needs to be maintained and taken care of at all stages and at all levels of the company such that its smooth operations can be taken care of. Schneider Electric and its supervisor Arbie Hassan is an example in point Bibliography: Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Babcock-Roberson, M.E. and Strickland, O.J., 2010. The relationship between charismatic leadership, work engagement, and organizational citizenship behaviors.The Journal of psychology,144(3), pp.313-326. Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. and Packendorff, J., 2010. Leadership, not leaders: On the study of leadership as practices and interactions.Scandinavian Journal of Management,26(1), pp.77-86. Gardner, W.L., Lowe, K.B., Moss, T.W., Mahoney, K.T. and Cogliser, C.C., 2010. Scholarly leadership of the study of leadership: A review of The Leadership Quarterly's second decade, 20002009.The Leadership Quarterly,21(6), pp.922-958. Humphreys, J., Zhao, D., Ingram, K., Gladstone, J. and Basham, L., 2010. Situational narcissism and charismatic leadership: A conceptual framework.Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management,11(2), p.118. Levay, C., 2010. Charismatic leadership in resistance to change.The Leadership Quarterly,21(1), pp.127-143. Yukl, G. and Mahsud, R., 2010. Why flexible and adaptive leadership is essential.Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research,62(2), p.81. Yukl, G.A., 2013.Leadership in organizations. Pearson Education India.
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